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Planning Commission

Planning Commission

The Huntingdon County Planning Commission is directly responsible to the Board of County Commissioners and is responsible for preparing plans for the County in areas of: transportation, land use, economy and employment, community services, conservation, recreation and open space, sewer and water, solid waste, energy, and housing.

While the nine members of the Planning Commission are appointed by the Commissioners, the Planning Commission operates under the provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act 247 and carries out its responsibilities with the assistance of the Planning and Development Department.

Our Mission

It is the mission of the Huntingdon County Planning Commission to develop and implement a positive vision for Huntingdon County; one that reflects economic prosperity, a rural and small-town atmosphere, protection of natural resources, centers-focused development, greenway corridors, improved highway and communication access and a high standard of excellence in both personal and community development.

Planning Commission Members

Ron Rabena, Chairman

Larry Mutti, Vice Chairman

Lawrence Biemiller, Secretary

Philip Cahill

Peter Liese

Wendy Melius

David Gardner

Bryan Yingling

Richard Walker

Planning Commission Meeting Information


The regular monthly meetings of the Huntingdon County Planning Commission will be held the third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. These meetings will be held in the Huntingdon County Annex I Conference Room at 205 Penn ST, Huntingdon, PA, unless notice is otherwise posted.  Due to the June 19, 2025 Juneteenth Holiday, the meeting will be held the third Wednesday.  The list of 2025 Meeting Dates is:

January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, May 15, June 18, July 17, August 21, September 18, October 16, November 20, December 18.  

July 17 is the Planning Commission's Annual Picnic Meeting.  Location to be determined.

All meetings of the Planning Commission are open to the public. A Zoom option may be used, if needed. Please contact the Huntingdon County Planning and Development Department by phone at (814) 643-5091 or email at planning@huntingdoncounty.net with questions or for instructions to participate in Zoom meetings.

In accordance with Pennsylvania Act 65 of 2021 signed on June 30, 2021, County Planning Commission meeting agendas are available 24 hours prior to each monthly meeting. 

More Information