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Active Transportation and Trail Projects​

Active Transportation and Trail Projects​

Huntingdon County Active Transportation Planning

Active Transportation Plan

Working closely with the Huntingdon County Active Transportation Committee, a planning team from the EADS Group, Inc. prepared the Huntingdon County Active Transportation Plan.

The Plan embodies Huntingdon County's active transportation vision of improving walking, bicycling, wheeling and paddling connections to favorable destinations and increasing safe and accessible opportunities for Huntingdon County residents so they can be more physically active.

The Plan provides transportation equity; supports development of land use plans and policies that allow development of activity-friendly. non-motorized routes connecting to everyday destinations; and incorporates portions of various plans.

The 10 Plan priorities directed at improving walking and biking conditions in Huntingdon County include the three top priorities and seven non-prioritized priorities: 

1. Main Line Canal Greenway Trail/September 11th National Memorial Trail - Segment 1

2. Main Line Canal Greenway Trail/September 11th National Memorial Trail - Segment 13

3. Main Line Canal Greenway Trail/September 11th National Memorial Trail - Segment 19

  • Improving Connections with Priority Corridors
  • Establishing Lifeway Corridors
  • Increasing Collaboration Among Trail Groups/Organizations
  • Local Promotion of Walking, Biking (mountain, on-road, gravel) and Paddling Resources
  • Establishing Connections to Centre, Bedford, Blair and Mifflin Counties
  • Improving Paddling Opportunities - Providing Logical Public Access Points
  • Conducting a Communication Approach to Promote the Value and Benefits of the Plan.

The Huntingdon County Commissioners adopted the Huntingdon County Active Transportation Plan by Resolution 6-2023 on September 12, 2023 as a stand-alone plan. 

Following PA Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) requirements, the Huntingdon County Commissioners adopted the Active Transportation Plan as part of the Huntingdon County Comprehensive Plan.  Resolution 2024-2 was adopted on January 16, 2024.

Active Transportation Committee (ATC)

The initial ATC was formed in 2017 and was composed of fifteen (15) citizens appointed by the Huntingdon County Commissioners. After a two-year hiatus, the ATC was re-formed in February 2022 and is now composed of 10 individuals and three ex-officio, non-voting members appointed by the Huntingdon County Commissioners. 

The ATC is responsible for raising awareness of bicycle and pedestrian planning concerns. Responsibilities include initiatives ranging from evaluating existing conditions and maintenance needs, gap analysis, and local advocacy. 

The ATC meets monthly in the Council Chambers at the Huntingdon Borough Building.

Active Transportation Meeting Information

The Huntingdon County Active Transportation Committee (ATC) will meet at 9:30 AM in the Borough Council Chambers at the Huntingdon Borough Municipal Building on the following dates in 2025:

January 3, January 31, February 28, March 28, April 25, May 30, June 27, July 25, August 29, September 26, October 31, December 5

All meetings of the ATC are open to the public. A zoom option may be used if needed. Please contact the Huntingdon County Planning and Development Department by phone at (814) 643-5091 or by email at planning@huntingdoncounty.net with questions or for instructions to participate in Zoom Meetings. 

The September 11th National Memorial Trail - The Northern Pilgrimage through Pennsylvania Trail Alignment Study - 2015

September 11th National Memorial Trail Documents

Below are links to the trail alignment study for the trail's northern pilgrimage through Pennsylvania.  Due to file size, the study has been uploaded and linked in four parts.

Project Information

This November 23, 2015 study was prepared by Campbell Thomas & Company in association with Laird LA, PLLC and TPW Design Studies.  The study was prepared for The September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance and Somerset County, Pennsylvania.  Financial support for this study was made possible through The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies and the September 11th National Memorial Trail Alliance.

According to the executive summary, "the specific focus of this study is generally the northerly segment of the “conceptual” triangle through Pennsylvania. It will link the route coming from the Pentagon National Memorial, along the Great Allegheny Passage, as it comes into Garrett, Pennsylvania, to the Flight 93 National Memorial, being built by the National Park Service near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and then to either a point near the Delaware Water Gap in Pennsylvania, where it will link to the Liberty Water Gap Trail, or possibly another network through northern New Jersey to the National September 11 Memorial. While this study briefly discusses scenic on-road motoring routes, the project team’s primary objective was to examine the off-road routes forming the non-motorized component of the memorial trail for bicycling, hiking, pedestrian and possible equestrian use in some areas."

Main Line Canal Greenway Trail Study - Segment of September 11th National Memorial Trail - 2019

Project Information

This January 2019 feasibility study was prepared by Campbell Thomas & Company in association with Laird LA, PLLC.  The study was prepared for the Allegheny Ridge Corporation for the purpose of determining the alignment of a 42-mile-long trail corridor through Mifflin and Huntingdon Counties from Lewistown to Alexandria and Alfarata, where the Lower Trail currently ends.  The study also provides costs of design and development, maintenance needs, and surface recommendations along with ways to interpret and include the history in the area and address the needs of both long distance and local trail users.

Main Line Canal Greenway Trail Study Documents

Below are links to the 2019 study regarding the September 11th National Memorial Trail portion of the Main Line Canal Greenway.  Due to file sizes, the study has been uploaded and linked in five parts.