Welcome to the Veterans Affairs Office
Welcome to the Veterans Affairs Office
This Department helps veterans procure discharge papers (DD-214s) and in-service medical records. It also processes applications for service-connected and non-service-connected compensation or pensions, home-bound or nursing-home care, hospital care, educational benefits, burial benefits, blind pensions, federal grave markers, widows’ pensions, property-tax exemptions for 100%-P&T disabled veterans and their widows, emergency assistance; and liaises with area VA medical facilities.
Burial Allowance Application
The application for burial expense allowance can be downloaded, completed and provided to the County Director of Veterans Affairs for processing.
Office Directions
The Huntingdon County Veterans Affairs Office is located in Courthouse Annex I, Suite 2. Visitors can enter the parking lot from Washington Street behind the courthouse.
Contacting the Office
Appointments are recommended.
Call anytime and leave a short voice-mail message; every effort will be made to return calls in a timely manner.