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Enterprise Zone

Enterprise Zone

The Huntingdon County Commissioners have received approval for a 1,500 acre Enterprise Zone stretching from Alexandria to Mt Union.  Through this program, businesses located within the zone are eligible to apply for low interest loans for projects intended to retain or create jobs in the county. Eligible projects range from land and building purchase to expansion of existing facilities to machine and equipment acquisition or modernization. *

*Application must be submitted prior to the start of the project

Loan Information

Competitive Loans

  • Up to $350,000 or 30% of project total cost 4% interest
  • Designed for companies with at least a state-wide market
  • Money is granted to County from State and loaned to company
  • Loan payments enter into Revolving Loan Fund and stay in County

Revolving Loan Fund

  • From $15,000 to $75,000, or 50% of project total cost
  • Low interest (prime to 2%)
  • Administered locally