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Hotel Excise Tax

Hotel Excise Tax

Hotel Excise Tax Registration Information

Attention: We will no longer accept Quarterly Reports sent to us by email. Please mail or drop them off at the Treasurer's office.

Any Blank Reports submitted will be returned to owner to be resubmitted (Even if no revenue was collected a $0.00 must be placed on the report).

 Hotel Excise Tax Registration

Effective July 1, 2017 the Huntingdon County Commissioners have enacted an ordinance to collect the tax on the renting of rooms from each operator of Hotels/Motels/Inns/Bed & Breakfasts/Homesteads, etc., of five percent (5%). Owners of these establishments are required to register with the county.

Owners of Facilities registered to the county are Responsible for submitting a Quarterly Report to the Treasurer’s Office before the 25th of the month following each calendar quarter (April, July, October and January) along with any tax that is due in regards to the Hotel Excise Tax.

Airbnb, VRBO, Home Away, and other 3rd parties that collect the Hotel Excise Tax, are NOT RESPONSIBLE for submitting a Quarterly Report on behalf of those they collect for. This is the sole responsibility of the owner.

Why Did You Receive a Notice?

We the Huntingdon County Treasurer receive Reports/Listings/Posts, etc. in regards to possible facilities that offer overnight stays. We are required to inform the owners of these facilities of the above mentioned Ordinance and request that they register their facility. For individuals that do not offer overnight stays we require a notification to be sent to our office.

Any facility found to offer overnight stays and do not register with our office, will be penalized a preceding before a district magistrate in Huntingdon County will be held and fines will be placed.


Those who wish to register with Huntingdon County simply need to fill out a Hotel Registration Form and send by mail to the Huntingdon County Treasurer at 233 Penn St. in Huntingdon.